VMES Overview

shapeimage_2VMES, LLC is a private consulting company offering professional services to all disciplines dealing with vegetation management issues around utilities, roadsides, greenways, parks, preserves and nature centers. Whether the issue is tree pruning for reliable electric service, or proper herbicide use for roadside safety, utilities or invasive weed control, VMES can analyze existing programs and make recommendations for enhancement. VMES can also serve as an expert witness in litigation cases relative to utility tree maintenance and vegetation management.

Professional vegetation management is necessary to safely and economically meet the growing energy and transportation demands of our civilized society while providing necessary aesthetics, wildlife habitat, invasive weed control and environmental stewardship.

VMES Principal, Rick Johnstone, has built a strong reputation as one who delivers win-win outcomes to traditional adversarial positions by seeking the synergy necessary to satisfy both economic and environmental concerns.

Click here to view Rick Johnstone’s CV.

The video “Integrated Vegetation Management: Principals and Practices for Rights-of-Way” was produced to provide a short but clear summary of this discipline for roadside and utility rights-of-way.

Rick Johnstone is available to discuss your vegetation issues over email at vmesllc@gmail.com and provides vegetation management research and published articles at the non-profit website www.ivmpartners.org.